The Right-Wing Libertarian Rants

I am a die-hard Constitutionalist and a retired Marine Sergeant. This blog is about MY opinion which, though I always attempt to gather the facts before I shoot my mouth off, will quite probably contain gut reactions to situations before said facts can be attained. Deal with it.

Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

29 April 2007

HOW Long?!?!


Today is the 25th Anniversary of my joining the United States Marine Corps. I can't believe it really was that long ago!

In that amount of time, I survived three months on Parris Island, seen sunrises over Camp Lejeune, sunsets over Camp Pendleton, snow-capped altitude sickness in Bridgeport, California at Winter Warfare School, ridden helicopters over MCAS El Toro, and spent more time assaulting beaches and driving in MechExes than I can think of (YATYAS!). I've driven tracks, fired fifties from tracks, eaten in tracks, heated water for coffee atop the engines of tracks, and slept in tracks, and when I get wealthy enough, by God, I'm gonna buy me a track! I am thankful that I have only lost three friends (Beirut), but even more thankful that I've welcomed back hundreds more.

To this day, I have never regretted joining my Marine Corps, but have often regretted leaving it. I am proudest of my wife, a 5-foot, two inch brunette firebrand who carries our Marine Corps Florida license plate with glee and is prouder of my service to this country than even myself.

I thank the Commandant of the Marine Corps for allowing me to continue to bear the title of Sergeant of Marines (even though I certainly earned it), and I thank every citizen of this country for the honor of having defended your freedom from 1982 - 1992, whether you welcomed my service or not. Those who know me are well aware that even though my service as a Marine ended fifteen years ago, I will still happily lay down my life for this country, its citizens, and the principles of individual freedom and liberty upon which this great land was founded.

My biggest regret is that there are those in this land who don't understand that, and probably never will.

Fuck 'em; their loss!

Semper Fi,
The Almighty Mattski

16 April 2007


From Dick Morris' newsletter:

While the sampling is not at all scientific, it is still interesting because of the heft of among the activist left. While only about 42,000 people voted, the results certainly indicate that the left is getting sick of Hillary’s evasiveness on the war.

The numbers were:

Obama 28%

Edwards 25%

Kucinich 17%

Richardson 12%

Clinton 11%

Biden 6%

Dodd 1%

Again, caution, this is not a scientific poll of anything, but it does serve as a warning indicator that Hillary may be alienating the left in her bid to stay close enough to the center to win in the general election.

Can you believe it?!?! In a poll of Democrats, Hillary is coming in at fifth place! And behind Kucinich and Edwards, both. And neither Kerry nor Gore are in there. At all!

AND, in even better news (again, from Dick Morris' newsletter):

The L.A. Times poll showed Guiliani leading the field, as usual, at 29% but with Thompson in second place at 15%. McCain fell to third place at 12%. Poor Mitt Romney still can’t get no respect and trailed at 8%. The results were as follows:







Source: LA Times

There may be hope for this country yet...

Semper Fi,
The Almighty Mattski

03 April 2007


Yeah, I know, everyone who comes here normally expects to find my narrow-minded, jar-headed rants, but THIS I couldn't resist!

The Almighty Mrs. and I went to watch the final game of the NCAA Basketball Championship last night at the O'Connell Center here in Gainesville with about 12,000 of our "closest friends." To say the least, IT WAS AWESOME! The noise level rivaled some of the most intense football games I've ever seen, with almost ten times the people.

Immediately following the game, everyone poured out into the street and made our way to the intersection of University Ave and NW 17th Street (for those of you not familiar with Gainesville, it's right in front of campus) and partook in the pandemonium. Nothing violent or dangerous; Gator fans make some of the happiest drunks out there.

We got home at almost 2am and managed about four and a half hours sleep, so I'm tired, but even as worn out as I am as I write this, I am still elated!

And this is what elates me the most: As many of you may know, I am a historical reenactor, Civil War and World War II the most. I have a healthy disdain for many things from north of the Mason-Dixon line (except the New York Mets; I love my Mets!), but I REALLY dislike the majority of Northern sports writers who seem to think that nothing from the Southeastern Conference is worth mentioning. When Florida won the Football Championship this past January, and became the first school in NCAA history to win a Football and Basketball Championship in the same year, a LOT of Northern POS sportswriters hemmed and hawed to the effect of "Well, they didn't really win it in the Same year, since this football game was played in 2007, and they won the basketball championship in 2006." It was almost as if the basketball team stood up and said, "All right, fuckers..."

Now maybe some of those Big 10-loving retards will give us a little respect.

God Bless My Gators!

Semper Fi,
The Almighty Mattski
