The Right-Wing Libertarian Rants

I am a die-hard Constitutionalist and a retired Marine Sergeant. This blog is about MY opinion which, though I always attempt to gather the facts before I shoot my mouth off, will quite probably contain gut reactions to situations before said facts can be attained. Deal with it.

Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

11 September 2006

In Memorium: Five Years Ago Today...

Five years ago today, I remember sitting at my desk at work, calming a coworker that it was probably just an accident, until that second plane hit.

Five years ago today, I remember frantically attempting to contact my father, whose work often takes him into the Pentagon (he was at Bethesda that day).

Five years ago today, I remember trying to reach my youngest brother, whose office was a lot closer to the Pentagon than I was comfortable with.

Five years ago today, I watched footage of the attack in shock.

Five years ago today, rage filled me beyond any emotion I had ever experienced before.

Five years ago today I understood first hand how Americans felt on December 7th, a mere 60-years earlier.

Five years ago today, I realized that terrorism is now our problem as well, and not just the Israelis.

And now...

Five years later, my anger has not subsided in the least.

Five years later, I am just as determined to find every last one of those responsible for killing 3,000 of my fellow Americans and friends, and return the favor.

Five years later, I have no desire to “understand” the motivations of those who perpetrated this horrific act of brutality.

Five years later, I am still bemoaning the fact that I am too old to help my brothers and sisters in arms; my Marine Corps no longer wants me.

Five years later, I remain as steadfastly supportive of the War on Terror.

Five years later, I refuse to become part of the problem by protesting the war like it was some fucking game from the 1960s.

Five years later, I will never, ever consider Islam as a peaceful nor tolerant religion; I know better now.

Five years later, I wonder what happened to my country’s resolve.

Five years later and I still have but one thing to say to Al Qaeda and any and all sympathizers, on our soil or anyone else’s, in the words my Drill Instructors taught me:

"Payback is a motherfucker."

Semper Fi,
The Almighty Mattski


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