It's Really This Simple...
In the event that you've just crawled from beneath a rock, Congressional Representative Mark Foley of Florida has been caught sending sexually explicit e-mails to and engaging in chat conversations with male Congressional pages. Pages are junior and senior year high school students, 16-years old or older, who have been nominated by their Congressman. In other words: kids.
As you may have guessed by the frequency of my posts, I generally don’t blog unless I get pretty riled up about something, mainly due to the fact that I hold a regular job, am a freelance artist and writer, and an entrepreneur. As you may have also guessed by the title of this post, my solution is simple.
Take Foley out and hang him. Figuratively, not literally. Well, no... literally too.
As a Libertarian, I have often found myself siding with Republicans more often than Democrats. Democratic politicians seem to embrace the “if it feels good, do it” mentality. That in it’s own right isn’t so bad, but that mentality seems to extend to the thought that if you've been caught doing something you shouldn’t, if you make enough excuses it would shift the spotlight (and with it, responsibility) away from you. In the past, Republicans tended to accept responsibility and step down, as they should. Not any more.
Enough, dammit.
This whole Foley situation has shown us one thing if nothing else, that no matter how high and mighty they might paint themselves, Republicans are just a different ilk of the same, detestable beast: Politicians. It’s bad enough that Foley has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but when the Speaker of the House and other leading Republicans start to make excuses or worse, justifications, for Foley’s behavior, it’s time to break out the rope.
As I’ve said before (see Gut Reaction: San Francisco), having an excuse does not legitimize deplorable behavior. First Foley said he was an alcoholic (which no one seems to be buying, and for good reason), and now he’s saying he was molested by a priest when he himself was a child. And for some reason, this makes what he did okay?
Face it, plenty of people have been molested, and millions more are alcoholics, yet they don’t seem to be going around molesting children. And what’s worse, they’re not in positions of immense responsibility like Congressman Foley. What’s worse still, is that even more powerful and seemingly responsible Congressmen aren’t running around making excuses for them!
Here’s a hint for you, Mr. Speaker of the House Hastert: Quit standing up for this weasely sack of shit. Take him out and turn him over to the authorities. Foley has done absolutely wretched acts and he should be punished for it. Severely. That means more than allowing him to resign and walk away with a gargantuan pension. He should be censured and tossed out on his fucking ear, where hopefully a set of large, uniformed police officers stand ready to toss him into the deepest, darkest oubliette in the known world.
After they’ve accomplished that, every scum-sucking maggot who defended Foley should be tossed right in behind him.
This sort of behavior is beyond deplorable, and it matters not which side of the aisle it has come from. There is no reason this should be tolerated by anyone in a position of authority. I said it when BJ Clinton got caught, and I’ll say it for Foley and any of his ilk that get caught doing this sort of thing. Yes, frankly, I do expect my elected officials to live on a higher moral plane. I do expect my elected officials to behave like angels. As an American, I have every right to do so.
Congressmen are in positions of power and authority and it seems that with every passing day, more and more of them abuse that power for the basest of vices and I am damned sick and tired of it! They make our laws, yet seem loathe to live by them themselves, and that is the ultimate hypocrisy. It's wrong, everyone knows it, and they should hang for it. Period.
Semper Fi,
As you may have guessed by the frequency of my posts, I generally don’t blog unless I get pretty riled up about something, mainly due to the fact that I hold a regular job, am a freelance artist and writer, and an entrepreneur. As you may have also guessed by the title of this post, my solution is simple.
Take Foley out and hang him. Figuratively, not literally. Well, no... literally too.
As a Libertarian, I have often found myself siding with Republicans more often than Democrats. Democratic politicians seem to embrace the “if it feels good, do it” mentality. That in it’s own right isn’t so bad, but that mentality seems to extend to the thought that if you've been caught doing something you shouldn’t, if you make enough excuses it would shift the spotlight (and with it, responsibility) away from you. In the past, Republicans tended to accept responsibility and step down, as they should. Not any more.
Enough, dammit.
This whole Foley situation has shown us one thing if nothing else, that no matter how high and mighty they might paint themselves, Republicans are just a different ilk of the same, detestable beast: Politicians. It’s bad enough that Foley has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but when the Speaker of the House and other leading Republicans start to make excuses or worse, justifications, for Foley’s behavior, it’s time to break out the rope.
As I’ve said before (see Gut Reaction: San Francisco), having an excuse does not legitimize deplorable behavior. First Foley said he was an alcoholic (which no one seems to be buying, and for good reason), and now he’s saying he was molested by a priest when he himself was a child. And for some reason, this makes what he did okay?
Face it, plenty of people have been molested, and millions more are alcoholics, yet they don’t seem to be going around molesting children. And what’s worse, they’re not in positions of immense responsibility like Congressman Foley. What’s worse still, is that even more powerful and seemingly responsible Congressmen aren’t running around making excuses for them!
Here’s a hint for you, Mr. Speaker of the House Hastert: Quit standing up for this weasely sack of shit. Take him out and turn him over to the authorities. Foley has done absolutely wretched acts and he should be punished for it. Severely. That means more than allowing him to resign and walk away with a gargantuan pension. He should be censured and tossed out on his fucking ear, where hopefully a set of large, uniformed police officers stand ready to toss him into the deepest, darkest oubliette in the known world.
After they’ve accomplished that, every scum-sucking maggot who defended Foley should be tossed right in behind him.
This sort of behavior is beyond deplorable, and it matters not which side of the aisle it has come from. There is no reason this should be tolerated by anyone in a position of authority. I said it when BJ Clinton got caught, and I’ll say it for Foley and any of his ilk that get caught doing this sort of thing. Yes, frankly, I do expect my elected officials to live on a higher moral plane. I do expect my elected officials to behave like angels. As an American, I have every right to do so.
Congressmen are in positions of power and authority and it seems that with every passing day, more and more of them abuse that power for the basest of vices and I am damned sick and tired of it! They make our laws, yet seem loathe to live by them themselves, and that is the ultimate hypocrisy. It's wrong, everyone knows it, and they should hang for it. Period.
Semper Fi,
He's not the only one. Newsies let slip the other night that there is an ongoing Federal investigation that has been running for a while. Other Congress Critters are being looked at. And worst, it isn't the first time.
I am well past tired of excuses and justifications. Bottom line, people have the power to choose and the duty to take responsiblity for their actions.
As to turning it over to an ethics committee when it can be turned into a political football? Like the congress critters think should be done? So that Tweedle-Dee can get power over Tweedle-Dum?
I don't think so. This crud is a felony, turn it over to the law enforcement types.
"I turned it over to my boss."
Wrong! If there is probable cause, take it straight to the cops. Don't talk about it, let them handle it.
Two major Political Parties... Grow up! If Joe Average Citizen can display ethics and morales, then you can too.
Amen, Brother!
Like I said, it's all about responsibility. The government expects us to behave responsibly, why the hell can't we expect the same out of government? As Americans, we have every right to expect our elected officials to at the very least keep their noses clean while they're in office.
And the whole idea of excusing elected officials while Congress is in session? Time to amend that, big time.
I know why the founding fathers put that clause in there, to keep rivals from trumping up charges and having opponents jailed in time to miss crucial votes or removed altogether, but that clause has been perverted (literally) by Congressmen who seem to think that they can do whatever the hell they want because they have immunity.
Either hold their feet to the fire today, or get the rope tomrrow.
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