I woke up this morning to my wife telling me point blank to turn on the news. Normally she tends to find newsworthiness in the trivial, but not this morning: Scotland Yard has nabbed 21+ people today who were attempting to blow up as many as thirty planes in midair. Targeted were three American carriers.
Now, coming out of England, "American carriers" means transatlantic flights. That means a minimum of 300 people per plane, max 550. That means that MI5, Scotland Yard, and any assisting US agencies just saved... wait for it... between 9,000 and 16,500 people, not to mention how many on the ground who would have been killed when said planes came crashing to earth.
Anyone else out there wondering about eleven missing Egyptian "exchange students" we heard about yesterday? Think it's a coincidence, because I damn sure don't.
Right now, I am livid! I am about to the point of going to the corner of University and 13th Street where the protesters gather and slap every last one of them for being so blindly stupid as to think we can talk to these people! What is it going to TAKE?!? Terrorism is NOT a law-enforcement issue! Arresting these people is not going to stop this level of murderous madness!
At the risk of sounding like a blood-crazed warmonger (perhaps more of us need to), there is one solution to the problem of terrorism, and the Israelis seem to be the only ones on the planet who have the
balls to get it. I mean, the
Russians don't even have the marbles, and when the Russians aren't willing to mete out force then you
know something's wrong! The solution is to treat every last one of these Islamoturds according to the Geneva Convention, and that is for non-uniformed combatants, AND THIS IS IN THE GENEVA CONVENTION, to be executed in the field.
We are at war; it's not a war of our choosing, either in scope, location, or method. We aren't the one's who started it; it all started back on a calm day in September in 2001 when nineteen madmen flew planes into buildings and killed a lot of innocent people who really had nothing better on their mind than to earn a living or visit friends (the horror!). We're not talking about criminals, international or otherwise, who stole someone's PIN code or something. We're talking about a group of people who want to reestablish the Caliphate and rule the world. These are the ones who have declared war on us. So, regardless of how you feel on the issue of whether terrorism is a law-enforcement issue or a military one, that decision has been made FOR YOU.
We. Are. At. War. In war, the job ahead is not to arrest the bad guys, but to kill them, and ONLY the killing of them will bring this war to a close in one of two ways: a.) there will be no more bad guys, or b.) the bad guys will wise up and knock it off. Remember the number one tenet of war according to Sun Tzu:
The best way to win a war is to not have to fight it. In other words, if you are perceived as being so strong that there is no way to actually beat you, people will not attack you. There are those who think that if you kill one terrorist that you will only create two more, but even if we do create two more, they'll grow up knowing that the United States doesn't take that kind of shit from the likes of them.
We were attacked on September 11th because we were perceived as weak, the
exact same reason we were attacked on December 7th. And for the eight years prior to that date, they were right; we had a leader (and I use that term
very loosely) who was more concerned with governing through polls, getting his crank sucked, and token responses to international terrorism when he decided to respond at all.
As I hinted at in my last post, this country does not have the testicular fortitude to crack some heads when heads need to be cracked. Thankfully, our current chief executive has at least a better inkling on that than the last one, and we have dodged not one, but
two bullets in having nearly elected a pair of international appeasers in Gore and Kerry. But even Bush seems to be more concerned with upsetting the lily-livered peacemongers in the press and on the Left than in doing what's necessary to actually win this war.
Hopefully, what happened in the UK today will wake more than just a few people up. If we are going to win this war, and it
IS a war we're in, not a crime spree, we have to realize that there is only one way to win it, and that is in the manner that General George S. Patton described: "
No one ever won a war by dying for his country; he won a war by making some other dumb bastard die for his country." There are those of us that realize that, and are prepared to make the sacrifices to accomplish that goal. Then there are those that don't. Even worse, there are those that never will.
Peace at any cost will one day come tied to the muzzle of a gun. Remember, the Soviet Union's idea of peace was once defined as the lack of opposition to Communism. Al-Qaeda's definition of peace is a lack of opposition to a reestablished Caliphate, and I'm afraid that there are too many people in this country who are willing to accept that.
The one saving grace about this whole incident today is that I am no longer afraid that the Democrats will win big in the mid-term elections in November...
Semper Fi,
The Almighty Mattski
UPDATE: 0200 GMT 11 Aug 06 - The number of planes has since been downgraded to only ten, so that means potential death toll drops to 3,000-5,500. Jeez, I feel so much better now...