The Right-Wing Libertarian Rants

I am a die-hard Constitutionalist and a retired Marine Sergeant. This blog is about MY opinion which, though I always attempt to gather the facts before I shoot my mouth off, will quite probably contain gut reactions to situations before said facts can be attained. Deal with it.

Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

21 October 2005


Had a severe Keanu Reeves moment last night. I got lucky and managed to get hold of "rush" tickets to a very impressive concert for The Boss and myself - just $10 a seat. Sure, I had to take my own oxygen tank; we were in the very back of the balcony, but it's a concert, not a movie.

At any rate, the program was simply billed as "Trio," but what a trio: Jean-Luc Ponty, Stanley Clarke, and Bela Fleck. Those of you who follow the jazz scene are well aware of the caliber of artists I'm talkin' here. For those that aren't, imagine you're a classical music fan and Beethoven started touring.

Holy cats, it was fabulous! They would play.
Then they would playlikewowwatchthiswe'replayingreallyreallyfastnow! Ponty was running that violin from one end of the spectrum to the other and hitting every note in between. And then when Clarke started playing that big old bass fiddle like a flamenco guitar... I thought I was going to come unglued!

Each of them did about twenty minutes of solo in between sets, so it was almost two hours of non-stop music, no intermission, and then they treated us to an encore. It was the best $20 I've spent in a long time; my brother Nic is going to be so jealous.

The only problem I had last night had to do with the Phillips Center, and I have to ask: Since when did music have to be so loud? My ears were all but bleeding by the time I got done. Music in a venue that large does need a little help, granted, but it's best appreciated when you can hear all the intricacies of it, especially when the musicians are as intricate as these three. The music was so loud it drowned itself out! I didn't think that was possible! As incredible as these guys were, I know I missed some of it because it was so loud. My ears are actually still ringing.

Note to the Phillips Center: For the love of God, let's turn the volume down a little, shall we? Not a whole lot, but if I walk out of there with my ears bleeding again, I swear ya'll are getting the bill to buy me a hearing aid.

Semper Fi,
The Almighty Mattski


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