The Right-Wing Libertarian Rants

I am a die-hard Constitutionalist and a retired Marine Sergeant. This blog is about MY opinion which, though I always attempt to gather the facts before I shoot my mouth off, will quite probably contain gut reactions to situations before said facts can be attained. Deal with it.

Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

19 October 2005

Just call me "Hurricane Magnet"

Since this is my very first post, I figured I'd start off with something safe... if you can consider being nailed by the strongest hurricane in recorded history "safe."

Hurricane Wilma went from category 1 to category 5 overnight. Literally: Overnight. Although the likelihood that South Florida will get mashed instead of those of us in North Florida, one cannot help but wonder whether this beast will veer northward.

That's the "beauty" of hurricanes; you can only predict so much. Oh, sure, the National Hurricane Center has a decent handle on things, much more so than even five years ago, but it's still weather and they're still weathermen. Meaning: they're gonna be wrong sometimes. I mean last year after we got hit by Wrong-way Ivan (I think it was Ivan; we got smacked by so many last year I lost track), it became apparent that when it comes to hurricanes, it's anybody's guess, really.

So what are we going to do? As far as I can tell, we'll pick up some more water, stock up on more canned food, work on eating all the ice cream in our freezer before the electricity goes out, and say several rosaries to keep trees from falling on the house. Like there's much more than that we can do. We're hoping at least that Wilma will delay landfall enough that we can drive to Orlando for our friends' wedding, but we shall see. As the week progresses into weekend, I'll try and stay on top of it for those of you who are wondering what sort of panic might or might not be sweeping through Florida. After last year, we're used to it by now. Hopefully this won't end up being like the blog after Katrina, but who can tell.

Reporting on Wilma, live from the city of Bedrock.


Blogger Lorena said...

If you're going to a friend's wedding, does that mean you're not taking care of Barbara's cats? I mean "taking care of" as in "feeding," not as in some subtle mafia-like hint. ;-) Call me if you need a cat duty sub.

20 October, 2005 02:18  

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